
 Corporate Organization




Major Departments And Businesses:
Departments Responsibilities
Board of directors Determine business policies, approve various statutory rules, review budgets and final accounts, and execute other functions and powers conferred by laws and regulations and shareholders’ meetings.
Audit Committee Assist the board of directors to perform its supervision on the Company’s implementation of financial statements, the appoint (or dismissal) and independence of CPAs, then assess the effectiveness of internal control and execute other statutory functions and powers.
Remuneration Committee Regularly review the “Charter of Remuneration Committee” and propose amendments; formulate and regularly review and evaluate the remuneration of the Company’s directors and officers.
Auditing Office Formulate and amend various auditing systems, evaluate and recommend the implementation of internal control systems, examine and track auditing plans.
Chairman 's Office Convene the board of directors and supervise the president to implement the resolutions of the board of directors.
General Manager 's Office Implement the policy resolutions of the board of directors and operational strategies, integrate the heads of various business units of the Company to promote various businesses and formulate internal management systems.
Information Office Planning, establishing, promoting, and maintaining the information systems; procurement and maintenance of the related software and hardware equipment; promoting, coordinating, and overseeing management matters related to information security risks.
Business Planning Office Take charge of the compilation, collection and reporting of the planning, control and operation planning, management, analysis, research and development of various systems and regulations; and assist in the operations and execution of corporate governance;coordinating the Company's sustainable development, greenhouse gas inventory and related matters. 
Transportation Business Department The Operations and Management Department is responsible for collecting and updating industry-related laws and regulations, expanding business opportunities, handling business bidding and signing, maintaining relationships with clients and industry peers, managing contracts for receivable collections and verifying documents.
Construction Business Department Develop various construction projects, planning, budget and projects review; project contracting, construction management; real estate sales, collection and signing agreement with customers, transfer of ownership, loans and other conduct related affairs.
New Business Department Conduct market study, strategic analysis and operational planning for various new businesses; overall management of new business project development, planning, marketing and execution and other new business-related affairs;coordinating the Company's sustainable development, greenhouse gas inventory and related matters.
Financial Department In charge of various accounting items, taxation, stock affairs, financial planning, fund allocation, cash income and expenditures, preparation of operating statements, budget final accounts and variance analysis, etc.
Management Department In charge of management related to administration, HR, general affairs, account collection, insurance and property equipment.

Management Team
Name Job Title Main Work Experience or Education Background
Ming-Tan Hsu Vice chairman serving concurrently as president University of Kansas
Chairman of Hsin Hai Transportation and Miramar Hospitality
Red Chen CFO of Financial Department serving concurrently as Head Of Corporate Governance MBA of National Taiwan University
Assistant Vice President of  Tung Ho Steel Enterprise Corp