Major Shareholders

 ※Shareholding of the top ten shareholders, and the information of their relationship.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              May 2, 2023
Name Shares held in own name
Shares Shareholdings
TienPin Development Co., Ltd. 43,791,000 23.17%
Yuan Chuan Steel Co. Ltd. 15,000,762 7.94%
Mayer Steel Pipe Corporation 10,300,000 5.45%
Durban Development Co., Ltd. 6,446,451 3.41%
Miramar Hotel Taipei Co., Ltd. 5,150,772 2.73%
Citibank as a custodian of Berkeley Capital SBL/PB investment account 2,891,300 1.14%
In custody of HSBC (Taiwan) Commercial Bank 2,172,000 1.15%
Investment account of J.P. Morgan in custody of Chase JP Morgan 1,710,832 0.91%
BNP Paribas Arbitrage S.N.C. in custody of Citibank 1,274,900 0.67%
Citi Global Market - Asia Pacific Derivative Trading in custody of Citibank 1,058,033 0.56%